We are the Rhythm Packed Mechanics
We are a FIRST Tech Challenge robotics team based in Woodbury, Minnesota consisting of fifteen members. Our mission is to excel in engineering a robot that succeeds in competition and to learn valuable skills along the way.

Our Core Values
Discover: We explore new skills and ideas. We cooperate with and support other teams year round.
Innovate: We use creativity and persistence to solve problems.
Impact: We apply what we learn to improve our world. We learned about other teams outreach projects and plan to attend as many as we can.
Include: We respect each other and embrace our differences. We believe we are stronger when we work together.
Have Fun: We enjoy and celebrate what we do.

Our History
The next year, we received an overflow of applicants to join our team thanks to many workshops we had hosted the year prior. Before the start of the 2019-2020 Skystone Challenge, we suddenly had fifteen members on our team, and also a new rookie team to mentor, My Favorite Team! (Yes, that is their name.)
Still Learning!
Working with nine FTC rookies on our team is not easy, but we adjusted to make it work. The new members allowed us to take part in new experiences in almost every area of our team. This year, for the second time, we were graciously invited to the World Competition for winning the Connect Award.
What is FIRST?
FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is a community that supports young people all over the world with a chance to take part in robotics. They strive to transform the next generation through teamwork, competition, and STEM.
Every year, FIRST leadership creates a unique game--one for every age group--that teams create a robot to participate in. There are four programs in FIRST:
- First Lego League Jr. (Grades K-4),
- FIRST Lego League (4-8),
- FIRST Tech Challenge (7-12), and
- FIRST Robotics Competition (9-12).
Also, check out the High Tech Kids organization who runs every FLL Jr., FLL, and FTC competition in Minnesota.

Our Promote Video
Here is our 2020 FIRST Promote Video answering the question: "How has FIRST changed me?"
We Put Emphasis on Our Community
We find it valuable to invest in the community around us. We have hosted workshops, visited schools, and connected with city. We do this because FIRST is funded by donations and kept alive with new teams. We believe FIRST equips the next generation to become well rounded STEM leaders.
Check our Sustainability in FIRST guide that we have created:

We are very grateful to be in FIRST, and this is only possible from donations. Below are our awesome sponsors that have made this happen; learn more them here. Their donations have made it possible to form new teams and to expand our learning.
Thank you to EVERYONE (parents, mentors, volunteers, and many others) who have helped give our team an amazing opportunity.
If you want to be involved with FIRST and their mission (volunteers are awesome), please navigate to: https://www.firstinspires.org/ or their Minnesota FTC representative at: https://hightechkids.org/.